EDI Shipping - Electronic Data Interchange

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To o­ffer your customers a seamless and transparent shipping experience, Old Dominion o­ffers a specialized set of APIs that can strengthen and augment your service o­fferings.

Key Documents for Transportation Processes

204 Pickup Request/Load Tender (Motor)

This transaction set is received by Old Dominion to request freight pickup.

210 Freight Details and Invoice (Motor)

This transaction set is sent by Old Dominion to the customer or third party as an invoice to request payment for services rendered and to provide detailed information of charges for services rendered.

211 Shipment Information (Motor)

This transaction set is sent by the shipper to Old Dominion to provide the carrier with detailed bill of lading, rating and scheduling information pertinent to a shipment.

214 Shipment Status Message (Motor)

This transaction set is sent by Old Dominion to the shipper and/or consignee to provide status information on current shipments in terms of dates, times, locations, route and identifying numbers.

990 Response to a Load Tender (Motor)

This transaction set is sent by Old Dominion to accept/reject a 204 load tender.

997 Functional Acknowledgment

This transaction set is sent in response to each transaction set received to indicate acceptance.

Additional Documents for Warehousing, Vendors, Banking, & Other Processes

810 Invoice

This transaction set is sent by the seller to a buyer in lieu of a paper invoice or bill. It is used to communicate specific items, quantities, & price.

820 Payment Order / Remittance Advice

This transaction set is sent by the payer to Old Dominion to provide Old Dominion with remittance or payment information.

824 Application Advice

This transaction set is used by some trading partners as a means of communicating errors in a previous transaction based on internal edits performed.

850 Purchase Order

This transaction set is sent from buyer to seller to place an order for goods or services. This document generally contains item, price, quantity, shipping details, payment terms, and any associated discounts.

856 Advance Ship Notice (ASN)

The ASN is used as a notification of pending deliveries, similar to a packing list, containing the contents of the shipment and any related shipping information.

864 Text Message

This transaction set is used by trading partners to communicate various types of information in the free-form text segment.

940 Warehouse Shipping Order

This order transaction set is used to instruct a remote warehouse to ship an order. It instructs the warehouse on what to ship, how much and when.

945 WareHouse Shipping Advice

The 945 is used to provide confirmation of a shipment to the trading partner. It is returned to the seller, by the warehouse, once an order has been shipped.

Get Started with EDI

Want to learn more about EDI and the Transaction Sets? Contact us to speak with a member of our Electronic Data Interchange team today.